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Two Technologies On 2019 Ford Ranger That Can Help Prevent This Accident Scene

This post by the Wyoming Highway Patrol promoting #Moveover caught our attention. There are two technologies in the new Ford Ranger that will help reduce this type of accident.

This scene is all too familiar. A police vehicle being hit from behind by an inattentive driver. The vehicle in this crash could be any type of car or truck, but it happens to be an older Ford Ranger pickup truck. The Ranger is presently off the market, but in 2019 it returns and it will feature two technologies that will help to prevent exactly this type of accident.


The first technology that help is automatic emergency braking. While certainly no substitute for an attentive driver, this technology can stop or slow a vehicle before it hits an object, person, or vehicle in its path. Automatic emergency braking has its limit, but it has been proven by IIHS to reduce accidents of this type by as much as 40%. Every new 2019 Ford Ranger will come equipped with this safety technology standard.


The second technology is ideal for preventing the scene above involving a police or first responder vehicle. New Rangers will have Apple Car Play and Android Auto which can both integrate the free app Waze. This app is one of the top-rated and most widely used navigation apps in America because it can do something other Nav systems cannot. It can alert you with a visual and audible warning that a police vehicle is parked up ahead. Not only that, it can give you this warning before the vehicle is close enough for you to see with the naked eye. That gives you more time to #MoveOver, which is the law. Even better, a recent study by AAA indicated that Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are less distracting to use when driving than the standard system most automakers provide.

No technology presently available will keep an impaired driver or an inattentive driver from causing death and destruction in every scenario. However, compared to older vehicles, newer ones come packed with technology that will help keep drivers and first responders safer.

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