How You Can Get A Full Day of Adrenaline Behind the Wheel of a New Subaru WRX STI

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Subaru gives you a full day to power the 2018 WRX STI through snow and ice.

We’ve all seen videos of Subaru WRX STI owners drifting their performance car around a snow-covered parking lot. It’s what STI owners love to do. Now Subaru is giving performance fans a full day of adrenaline behind the wheel of a 2018 WRX STI, 2018 WRX and 2018 BRZ. Subaru just announced the Subaru Winter Experience and it’s the first time they’ve offered it.

Performance enthusiasts can sign up for the event taking place on Dollar Lake near Eagle River, Wisconsin, called the snowmobile capital of the world, on February 13-25, 2018. You’ll get to drive Subaru’s full stable of performance cars through snow and ice on a closed circuit frozen lake, and they’ll let you test your abilities and push the WRX STI to its full limits. Sounds like a cool way to spend a day in February behind the wheel of the STI, right?

Subaru says professional driving instructors will first give some training behind the wheel of the WRX STI, WRX and BRZ and an extensive driving program and you’ll be educated in all the safety systems of the vehicles on site. Then you’ll be let loose to power the 2018 WRX STI through snow and ice on the frozen lake course.

Subaru will bring the 2018 WRX STI, and WRX and BRZ in both manual and automatic gearbox trims so you can experience five different cars on the extreme course. All the vehicles will be fitted with special studded tires from Sweden, so you’’l be able to drive fast on the frozen surface and not worry about hitting that light pole in the parking lot.

In addition, Subaru will give you the opportunity of riding along with one of the instructors around the track, at full speed and probably let you shoot a video from the passenger seat to show your friends later.

You can fly into two airports, Rhinelander airport (RHI), a 30 minute drive away, or Wausau airport (CWA), located 1 hour and 40 minutes from Eagle River. So what’s the cost of the Subaru Winter Experience? $1,450 buys you a full day of adrenaline behind the wheel of a 2018 Subaru WRX STI, WRX and BRZ. For more info on accommodations go here.

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Photo credit: Subaru USA