Hertz Points Free Rental Scam Warning

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Here’s how Hertz could cause you to lose your job by simply using your Hertz Points free rental perk with a new scam they’ve came up with to avoid refunds.

Earlier we’ve learned that renting from almost any car rental company is fraught with risks that go beyond just being overcharged for a rental with bogus add-on charges following the rental. Especially this one that that included one customer winding up arrested for car theft of a rental months after the rental was paid.

However, believe it or not―you could find yourself fired from your job over a car rental dispute!

Hertz Points Scam Warning

That was the between-the-lines message in a recent Steve Lehto YouTube channel episode where the host discusses yet more reports of problems with Hertz Car Rentals that go beyond stories such as:

  • Tesla rental customers charged for returning a rental without a full tank of gas.
  • False arrests by the police because the rental agency reported their rental car stolen.
  • Toll tracking scam overcharges.

As it turns out, the Braintrust at Hertz found another way to scam customers that could result in an unwitting customer such as yourself, being fired from their job―using your company’s corporate credit card without permission while you were taking advantage of your accumulated Hertz Points for a free rental while on vacation or other non-business travel.

The Origin of This Story

The source of this story is from a “View From the Wing” website article reporting a traveler’s tale of woe where believing he was getting a free rental with his Hertz Points, learned afterward that the “free rental” was billed for $400 on his company’s credit card.

After learning of the charges, the traveler compared, “…a copy of his original reservation, showing his personal card attached. But he noticed on the Hertz folio that a different reservation number had been created. There was a daily rate attached, instead of his free rental day awards,” states the website article.

Imagine―if you will―how unhappy your boss would be to find out that it appeared you used a company card to finance a non-work-related pleasure trip! Especially if you could not dispute the charges as you would if it had been on your credit card because the card used is not your (but your workplace’s) credit card to dispute!

The Video for More Details

Follow along with host of the Steve Lehto YouTube channel to learn more about the details on what happened in yet another car rental related scam where the rental agency found another way to falsely charge a customer and get away with it by making getting a refund essentially impossible.

Hertz Finds Another Way To Make the News!


For additional car rental-related horror stories, here are a few for your consideration:

Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites  and Facebook for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

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Image source: Deposit Photos