The Top 10 vehicles stolen in 2010 will surprise you!!!

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Submitted by Don Bain on August 3, 2011 - 8:21PM

You’ve all seen the lists before, how certain new Caddies or Beamer SUVs are the prime targets of professional car thieves. Well the times, they are a-changing as Dylan so aptly put it and now the most stolen vehicles range from 1991 to 2004 and six of the top 10 pilfered are built right here.

The information was provided by The National Insurance Crime Bureau in a report titled Hot Wheels –10 most stolen vehicles in the United States. The document culls vehicle theft data submitted by law enforcement agencies to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and determines the vehicle makes, models and model years most often stolen in 2010.

You will notice, in the list below, how older ubiquitous foreign makes have climbed to the top due to the consider value of their parts and because so many of them are still on the road. You will also notice a number of American brands as new as 2004 – another indication of the value of recycled parts.

The Top 10 Vehicles Stolen in 2010

1. 1994 Honda Accord
2. 1995 Honda Civic
3. 1991 Toyota Camry
4. 1999 Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size)
5. 1997 Ford F150 Series/Pickup
6. 2004 Dodge Ram
7. 2000 Dodge Caravan
8. 1994 Acura Integra
9. 2002 Ford Explorer
10. 1999 Ford Taurus

Hot Wheels examines all theft data without regard to a vehicle's insurance status providing a broader view of the vehicle theft landscape. Many of the older cars and trucks are not insured against theft. Newer, more expensive vehicles that are always insured are often stolen and sold intact with counterfeit VIN stamps or outside the U.S.

For the first time since 2002, thieves have shown a preference for domestic makes over foreign brands. Ford took three spots, Dodge two and Chevrolet held one while the remaining four are held by Honda, Toyota and Acura. The top three positions continue to be held by Honda and Toyota models, a consistent trend since 2000.

Overall, vehicle thefts have continued to decline. Preliminary 2010 FBI crime statistics indicate 7.2 percent reduction over the thefts posted in 2009. Should the preliminary numbers hold when the FBI produces its final statistics later this year, 2010 will post the fewest vehicle thefts since 1967, presumably a result of advances in vehicle security. Of the nearly 52,000 Honda Accords stolen in 2010, over 44,000 were made in the 1990s, compared with less than 5,700 produced since the year 2000.

Even though the rates are declining, car theft can be fiscally devastating if it happens to you. We’ve listed the ways you can improve the odds you car will not be stolen before but here’s a quick recap.

Lock your car. Install an alarm. Immobilize it. Get a tracking device.