Tesla Shows a Mesmerizing Video of How It Assembles The 4680 Battery Pack

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Today Tesla recruitment leader Tobias Marmann shared this amazing video, showing how Tesla builds its much-expected 4680 battery packs.

It's "so mesmerizing to watch. Battery cell assembly at Tesla. Also, exciting to be working at Tesla, where we are at the forefront of production innovation. Many Gigafactories and Megafactories have been announced by others (which is great!), but many are yet to be built. Join us and help push the boundaries of cell development and cell production in Germany, China or the USA,” Marmann wrote on his Linkedin page, sharing a link to Tesla Careers, where you can see all the positions Tesla is hiring globally, including 4680 battery production positions.

What we see in Tesla's production of 4680 battery packs. Great automation, speed, flow, motion and time. All seem to work great. The question is when will we get the 4680 production in Berlin?

Here is another question: What is the advantage of these 4680 batteries for Tesla owners? Do they charge faster?

Maybe, for now the advantage of the 4680 batteries for Tesla owners are limited. It’s likely that one of the advantages is the more battery life. However, so far we haven’t heard any range increase because of these new batteries. As far as I think, at least for now, Tesla owners won't notice any major advantages for these 4680 batteries for normal use case. However, it might help decrease cost once all things are sorted out and ramp up of the battery production is going well.

Another thing we are noticing and hear is that 4680 battery pack Model Ys rolling out from Austin are about 270 miles instead of the current 300 miles. It’s kind of going backwards. What happened?

It could be that less cells, less range. Thus, I am not sure how it is backwards. They are just making another variant of a battery pack. 4680 batteries need to ramp up a lot before they can go to higher range vehicles. What are your thoughts on this?

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.