Genesis Canada Offers Nifty Winter Tire Package With New GV80 “Coupe”

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Buyers of the new car version of Genesis’ GV80 will also get a pretty special winter tire setup. Why not the U.S.?

Genesis is launching its new GV80 “Coupe” this summer, and we noticed that our northern neighbors get a nifty bonus that U.S. consumers will not. Before we go too much further, let us explain the quote marks surrounding ”Coupe.” The GV80 is presently offered as a crossover SUV. The brand is introducing a car version of this model line it calls the Coupe. The problem we have with this is that it is not a coupe but a four-door sedan. Genesis could call it a pumpkin, but it ain't a coupe if it has four doors and a trunk. On we go.

The new GV80 is a sporty luxury type car with a taller-than-typical profile. BMW has its puffer-fish GT cars, and now Toyota has its Crown. We have no problems with taller cars, but we don't understand why anyone would prefer the smaller cargo bay. On we go.

The nifty part of the new GV80 in Canada is that it will come complete with a set of winter tires mounted on black rims, all set to be mounted when the snow flies in late September in the great white north. Even better, the package includes having your second set of tires and rims stored by Genesis at your nearest dealership location. How cool is that!?

“In most parts of our country, winter tires are either essential or mandatory,” says Eric Marshall, director, Genesis Motors Canada. “The inclusion of this comprehensive seasonal care plan to the GV80 Coupe removes additional pain points, contributing to an effortless ownership experience.”

The tires selected by Genesis are Michelin, so we suspect they are X-ICE winter tires. We don't know that for sure, but we are confident the folks at Genesis chose a good match for the vehicle. Which makes us wonder, why not just use CrossClimate2 tires? They are four-season tires that don’t have to be removed in the summer. They even boast the three-peak mountain snowflake symbol denoting severe snow duty. Maybe ice was the concern. 

The addition of this winter tire package care plan to the GV80 Coupe package is above and beyond the existing genesis Canada benefits, including years of maintenance paired with at-home valet service, in addition to a five-year comprehensive warranty that is inclusive of roadside assistance, map updates and connected services.

Tell us what you think of this new vehicle. Would you consider it a coupe or sedan? Our comments section below is open.

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John Goreham is an experienced New England Motor Press Association member and expert vehicle tester. John completed an engineering program with a focus on electric vehicles, followed by two decades of work in high-tech, biopharma, and the automotive supply chain before becoming a news contributor. In addition to his eleven years of work at Torque News, John has published thousands of articles and reviews at American news outlets. He is known for offering unfiltered opinions on vehicle topics. You can connect with John on Linkedin and follow his work at our X channel. Please note that stories carrying John's by-line are never AI-generated, but he does employ Grammarly grammar and punctuation software when proofreading. 


Image of GV80 Coupe courtesy of Genesis.