Refreshed 2015 Honda CR-V shatters all time sales record

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Honda announced Tuesday that 2015 CR-V had set a new sales record for November shattering 2013 results. With a 37.7% increase in sales volume, Torque News looks to the numbers.

Tuesday news found American Honda Motors announcing yet another volume record for car and light truck sales in North America. At the top of the list is America’s best selling SUV.

Honda’s on a roll, and Honda division senior v.p. and general manager Jeff Conrad couldn't be happier. He see’s Honda’s unprecedented success continuing well into the future. With 2016 Honda HR-V looming on the horizon, I agree with Jeff.

I had the rare opportunity of conversing with Mr. Conrad this fall in Huntington Beach, California at the press unveiling of the much refreshed 2015 Honda CR-V. You may read our “Surf City” drive experience here.

At that time, the best selling SUV in North America 7 out of the last 10 years, CR-V continues an unprecedented rise in popularity with November 2014 sales out-pacing the previous year by an amazing 37.7% in a class that has no shortage of offerings.

With 32,378 units sold in November, CR-V outsells Ford Escape, Mazda 5, Nissan Pathfinder,Toyota RAV4, Subaru Forester and other comers in the compact and midsize SUV segment.

Honda has taken CR-V to new sales volume highs by increasing standard featured value, horsepower and torque while holding the $ bottom line. In comparing 2015 CR-V to the 2014 offering, Torque News discovers that Honda is actually comping the buyer with no less than $600 in no-charge upgrades and active safety features.

SUV utility at 34 mpg Highway

The difference is measurable. In driving 2015 CR-V we discovered a much improved ride over last year’s offering, less interior noise, ergonomic improvements; including comfortable seating, higher quality fabrics and soft-touch surfaces. Where the pedal hits the floor boards we found a much more responsive “EarthDreams” direct injected i-VTEC engine offering greater mid-range torque and a much improved CVT transmission.

For good measure Honda engineering reduced the brake pedal pressure, improved the active ride stability while increasing fuel economy by 8%, all good, at no extra charge. Note: 2015 CR-V is the best handling to date, remains stable in aggressive country road cornering, uphill and downhill transitions. We also find a directional lined back-up camera throughout the lineup, very handy when maneuvering CR-V in city traffic and parking lots. Love it!

2015 Honda CR-V Touring: For those wishing for a bit more luxury without losing small SUV utility, Honda offers the top of the line CR-V Touring Edition. You’ll find niceties like 8 way adjustable driver’s seat, premium leather surfaces, Honda-Link ™ and Bluetooth personal connectivity.

Also for 2015, CR-V Touring features a powered rear hatch, premium rims and a pallet of custom exterior and interior color availability. Thanks to much improved road noise deadening, thicker carpeting and pad, improved structural integrity and sound absorbing, vibration isolating body mounts, CR-V Touring is the quietest small SUV in its segment.

You may read the factory specifications here. Priced $23,320(FWD LX) to $31,520(AWD,CVT) there just may be a Honda CR-V for all budgets and needs.This may be why Honda CR-V remains the number one selling SUV in North America.

The author updated various elements of the article between the first user's comment and what you're seeing now.

I still think the note section is wrong. I'm not sure if the HRV has been offered for road test yet, and then note then switches to CRV.

"Note: 2015 HR-V is the best handling to date, remains stable in aggressive country road cornering, uphill and downhill transitions. We also find a directional lined back-up camera throughout the lineup, very handy when maneuvering CR-V in city traffic and parking lots. Love it!"

Submitted by Christine (not verified) on December 11, 2014 - 6:07AM


I just heard I'm supposed to receive it right before Christmas.... so I'm pretty thrilled! I'm currently driving a 2011 Honda Civic. I'm a little frustrated with it as we can't seem to locate it's ignition problem. I also am saddened that it didn't hold it's value the way the company touted - we are upside down and are loosing $3000 on our trade in. I tried to place a box of toys in it to donate yesterday.. and it simply wouldn't fit in the trunk. But I loved the way it drove and the gas milage was unbelievable... so that had us looking at Honda still and the CRV seemed a logical choice. Also, my husband called from work one evening. He works as an Emergency Rescue Unit with the highway. He said he saw a Honda CRV roll over and the condition was practically mint. The driver walked away without a scratch. I love the way it looks inside and out... so I seriously have never been more excited for a Christmas in my life :)

Submitted by Christine (not verified) on December 11, 2014 - 5:50PM


There is 56,000 kms on the 2011 Civic, I'm terrible with memory... I think it's an SE. The ignition problem began when I got the car a year and a few months ago, at 35,000 kms- it seems electrical. We financed it through Honda Finance, but we boosted the extended warranty considerably so that is why we lost so much equity.

Hi Christine. my apologize on the delayed reply. Sorry about your equity loss. looks like you drive quite a bit. We haven't read from others as to your electrical problem. I'm assuming that your dealership did check for factory recall on your individual Vin#, yes? What happens with the ignition, does the car turn itself off while driving, or simply not start? thanks.

Submitted by Christine (not verified) on December 17, 2014 - 5:23AM


Hi!! I drive about 20,000 km a year (the car had 37,000 km or so on it when I bought it). I have been to two separate dealerships about the ignition problem - one service tech was actually a high school peer who had my best interest in mind and has helped me tremendously!!! I feel horrible for him as I didn't purchase our CRV from his dealership in spite of all he has done, but since we lost so much equity we had no alternative to go with the best offer. HE is the reason we also decided to stay with Honda, he's such a wonderful advocate for his company. With respect to the ignition, I begged the first dealership to document the problem after she encountered it while driving it out of the service bay, but failed to do so - sucks to be me. If you YouTube 2011 Honda Civic you can find a few other individuals that have the same problem also. Randomly, sometimes 5 occurrences in one day (not even consecutively, but can be), and then sometimes it won't show for five weeks - sometimes within days of one another. You turn the key to begin the start up, you hear a click, the dash lights up and nothing happens. I have 1000 theories, but then I debunk them. We disconnected the ION box/rust prohibitor, I thought it was damp days, or immediately after filling the car, or when it's empty, or squeezing in an extra teaspoon of fuel at the pumps, short trips, not driving for a day or two.... there is absolutely no rhyme or reason to this problem which makes it so frustrating for everyone, including Honda. But in the end it would have been me stuck with the problem so I had to make a decision on what I needed to do for possible future safety (eg. the GM ignition problem, although It's NOT the same problem, has scared the life out of me). It saddened me about the deficiency in the Civic, as my husband had FINALLY convinced me to go with a different car company other than GM, only to experience, what seems to be for me, poor quality. My husband has a Caravan, now with 200,000, and it amazes me that the only thing to go wrong in 9 years was a fan and some rust - he treats that van soooooo badly!!!!! Every GM car I have owned was in the shop for something on a regular basis - and they weren't cheap cars - my Grand Prix was a fortune! (still my favourite car to date). My father worked for the company for YEARS, it was just something I had a horrible time transitioning from.

Thanks Christine for the well written, thought provoking comment. The ignition problem is unfortunate. Interestingly enough I've experienced unexplained ignition shut-off at speed while driving past cellphone towers and highway department communication trucks. No rhyme or reason, but it happens. In my case I've experienced your described symptoms in a General Motors 6.9 liter workhorse chassis Fleetwood Motorhome. Anyway...I wish you countless trouble-free miles in your new Honda. Keep in touch.

Submitted by Raj (not verified) on April 7, 2015 - 6:12PM


Hi!! Recently bought 2015 Honda CRV which is boasted as number one CRV .But little after 100 miles driving I found that there is little annoying vibration from engine (CVT) during idle& drive mode which sometimes the vibrations spread to drivers seat as well. I called Honda and they say its known issue.
Do you have any info and heard from other consumers too. Appreciate your early reply.

Good day Raj. We've read of this issue in CR-V Forums, However, have not encountered anything other than what we would consider normal vibration for this direct injected 4 cylinder. Please check back in with us after the 400 to 500 mile break in period. Thanks for dropping by. A handful of early 2015 CR-V have been recalled by Honda for engine block related flaws. Please check in with your dealer to insure that your CR-V doesn't fall into this group