How Tesla Is Building Giga Berlin and Who Is In Charge

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Tesla Giga Berlin's boss Evan Horetsky wrote a rear Tweet thanking Brandenburg's Economy Minister and explaining what it takes to build and run Giga Berlin's construction. He did it in a humble manner, which is much appreciated and credible.

"I'm flattered and honored," wrote Horetsky, referring to Brandenburg's Economy Ministry Jörg Steinbach's earlier tweet louding his achievements at Giga Berlin and passed the credit to Tesla.

"This is about Tesla though. Every corner of Tesla requires presence, aggressive problem solving, creativity, data-driven decisions, and humble teamwork. I'm simply lucky to have great mentors along the way," Horetsky continued explaining what it takes to build Tesla's first European Gigafactory in Brandenburg, outside of Berlin.

In the meantime, while the attention and excitement in the United States are on the upcoming Tesla Battery Day, Elon Musk's attention seems to be on the machines that make cars: namely Gigafactories.

As you know the Tesla CEO Elon Musk was in Berlin earlier this month at the site of Tesla’s first European factory, where he told those in attendance the Model Y made there will look the same on the outside but will be radically different beneath the sheetmetal, according to a report by Reuters. “It will be the first time that there will be a transformation in the core structural design of the vehicle. It’s quite a big thing. Both manufacturing, engineering, and design as well.”

Clean Technica's Steve Hanley notes that, "Those remarks build on Musk’s statement during the Q2 earnings call earlier this year in which he said, “We’re really changing the design of the [Model Y] to make it more manufacturable. The fundamental architecture of Model Y will be different in Berlin. It may look the same but the internals will be quite different and fundamentally more architecturally efficient than what we have done to date.” This seems to suggest more castings like those being produced by the high-pressure casting machine recently installed at the Fremont factory. Musk reiterated his focus on moving the EV revolution forward more quickly but also mentioned his desire to lead the transition to sustainable energy. “The three elements needed for a sustainable energy future are sustainable energy generation, energy storage, and sustainable transport — electric cars. I think we will be building some batteries and cells and other things here. That will be good for stationary storage of wind and solar,” Musk stated. Tesla has recently obtained a license to trade electricity across western Europe."

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.