Tesla FSD Decides To Go For It In a Busy NYC Traffic, Making Short-Nerved Left Turn

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A Tesla Model 3 equipped with Full Self-Driving (FSD) software decided to go for a short-nerved left turn in a busy New York City intersection on Monday, narrowly avoiding a collision with an oncoming truck.

Two days ago Tesla Twitter blogger @strengthPlan shared a new video of a Tesla FSD trying to make a left turn in a busy NYC intersection. The video quickly went viral generating lots of comments as people expressed their excitement at how well Tesla FSD now handles traffic.

In the video you can see a girl passing the road while Tesla is preparing to make a left turn. Then Tesla stops and does nothing. And then we got an oncoming car, and then Tesla decides to go for it and make a left turn with no arrow. So Tesla was in the middle of the road and then the oncoming car was coming and making a left turn. But Tesla's FSD manages really well to make a left turn without an arrow and get into the right line.

One of the commenters, named Gordus, says "I've noticed it predicting crazy things such as knowing who will be faster to start when a light turns green or if an oncoming car will turn or not. I don't understand, how is it so good at these things which are not predictable?"

Others are saying their nerves are too short for watching how FSD videos make left or right turns or make decisions when driving themselves and jokingly say that Tesla should actually pay these FSD test-drivers for testing the Full Self Driving feature.

Lookin at this video, I am thinking Tesla FSD decided to go for it because the oncoming truck, which was making a left turn, was blinking. You know, sometimes it's about trusting our intuition when our vehicles give us signals. "Wow, so it saw the semi blinking and decided to move on the lane. That’s quite impressive. And impressive that you let it do it. My nerves would be stressed out," writes Erich Thilow, commenting under the video.

On Twitter, people commenting under the video say the Tesla FSD is many time safer than most people driving themselves. I don't know. But I can surely say that Tesla's Full Self-Driving beta is taking bold strides towards a revolutionary future of autonomous driving.

I think Tesla FSD demonstrated the right behavior in this type of an environment as you can see from the video. I think I would have taken over once that steering wheel made that hard left (even though it wasn't moving), what about you? 

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded TorqueNews.com in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.