Toyota Has The Perfect Alternative To The EV and Could Revolutionize The Market

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Toyota thinks the hydrogen combustion engine would be the solution to all pollution problems. And now the Japanese automaker wants to burst the market with this change.

The electric car is increasingly present in urban centers. But besides electric vehicles, the large vehicle manufacturers are looking for alternatives to the problems generated by traditional fuel and gradually more charging points are being seen for this type of passenger car, which began its adventures in the world as something futuristic that 'was going to last two days'. However, even if they generate fewer emissions for the ozone layer, they cause other problems such as a shortage of lithium or massive exploitation to get the maximum number of batteries possible . There are not a few who insist that this transition to the electric vehicle is useless, since it does not do any favors to improve the environment or the planet. Volvo, for example, dismissed this as a fad, notes Xavi Mogrovejo.

What does this revolution proposed by Toyota consist of?

Toyota, on the other hand, seems to have a solution for this: hydrogen combustion engine.

Toyota already has vehicles with hydrogen cells, but there are too many problems in manufacturing for them to spread throughout the world. In order for interest in this type of product to grow, the production costs of this liquid should be lowered, as well as providing industries with access to it so that the manufacturing network grows like foam and massive construction processes begin to be carried out of these prototypes . As an alternative, Toyota offers the hydrogen internal combustion engine.

The company's president, Akio Toyoda, has long argued that the problem with combustion engines is not the combustion itself, but rather the carbon byproduct of burning fossil fuels. That's why hydrogen, which emits an almost negligible amount of carbon, is the perfect solution in Toyota's eyes . After seeing the Yaris GR, which has these characteristics, several manufacturers in the industry want to join this change. Toyota with this could give a strong blow on the table and shake a company like Yamaha or Rolls-Royce. It remains to be seen, of course, how this fits into the current market and if these types of vehicles are embraced, since although there are electric or hybrid cars, traditional fuel cars are still the most sought after.

What do you think of Toyota's alternative to electric vehicles? Please, let us know your thoughts in the comments section below and thanks for reading and sharing in social media.

Armen Hareyan is the founder and the Editor in Chief of Torque News. He founded in 2010, which since then has been publishing expert news and analysis about the automotive industry. He can be reached at Torque News Twitter, Facebok, Linkedin and Youtube.

Submitted by Kenn (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 5:28PM


I have long been waiting for the opportunity to buy a sustainable hydrogen engine vehicle. Hopefully, that will be my next purchase. To me it seems the only reasonable long-term alternative.

Where are all the unemployed buggy whip manufacturers and stall cleaners? Industries change and resources are reallocated. People learn new trades. Our planet needs this.

Where are the hydrogen fueling stations? Hell where are the battery charging stations. Lets give the oil industry and OPEC some real competition. Develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles too. It is the best application for trucking and heavy equipment.

Lol no? Cost and environmental impact of highly toxic to produce and dispose of lithium batteries. 25 grande to replace Tesla's batteries. DERRRR

Wait five years or so and it'll cost 20,000 dollars for a new battery or they don't run on normal tires and new tires will be $4000 to 8000 for four. It will cost alot. And cause damage by scraping the old batteries.

Why does it cost more to service a Tesla than the average vehicle in the USA? Most of the services are checks and some liquids and fluids (they still have coolant systems and lubrication for various components) yet their service charges are enormous.

I have also been waiting to see hydrogen cars get into the market at a reasonable cost but suspect they have been shunned out by other greedy manufacturers???regards keith

Hydrogen is a highly volatile gas resulting in possible fire and explosions. Can not visualize a million mobile bombs on the highways. Does not sound like a logical nor feasible solution to the problems.

Actual tests showed that hydrogen is far less dangerous than gasoline. Multiple crash tests with punctured fuel lines and tanks and deliberate ignition showed that hydrogen burns in a small vertical flame due to it's light mass, while gasoline spreads and oftentimes engulfs the entire vehicle. The danger to both occupants and first responders is much greater with gasoline.

Hydrogen for cars is a non starter. Hydrogen from electrolysis is about 70% efficient, fuel cells are about 50% efficient. Plus losses in transport, compression etc and you're looking at diesel levels of efficiency. That means we'll need to find vastly more renewable sources than if we just put the energy straight into a battery. Chemical batteries are about 95% efficient. We'll need hydrogen from electrolysis for industrial processes which require hit like fertilizer and steel. There's a very good reason only one company is actually pushing it. The rest know it's not going to work. Go and look at the numbers yourself. Transporting hydrogen is a pain, large hydrogen users produce it onsite for that reason. Batteries are recyclable and more than capable of delivering what the vast majority of road transport needs.

You ignore transmission losses in the electrical grid transmitting from the large projects through the grid, which I might add, will require vast investment for upgrades to handle the increased loads, and is vulnerable to many instances of failure and blackouts.

Hydrogen does not fall from Heaven like mana. It requires massive amounts of energy to produce. The "green" sources are not capable. Watch what happens in Europe and especially Germany this winter. They will be struggling to stay warm while outbidding poorer countries for limited energy supplies.

Submitted by Gary Peacock (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 5:57PM


H+ fuel cells is best alternative to fossil fuel and electric vehicle propulsion. We techno development and innovation, and infrastructure to support it.

Submitted by William Rowland (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 8:08PM


I was ready in the 1970s for hydrogen and hope the manufacturers will buck the oil companies and pursue it. Clean without the poison and other dangers of Lithium. Also reduced weight over EVs making tires less expensive and lasting longer. Way more advantages.

I totally agree. H+ is plentiful as long as we can have water. Imagine freeing Oxygen as a by product in the process? Now we don’t rely on OPEC, Iran, or Russia. No one will fight over this.

What we mostly have today is "grey hydrogen," hydrkgen produced by electrolysis using fosil fuel generated electricity. Running cars on that would just be an ineficient way of continuing to use combustion of fosil fuels. The oil companies are pushing "blue hydrogen," hydrogen derrivrd from natural gas. It's their way of keepong us in their pocket. The drilling, production inefficiencies and natural gas leakage (major gfeenhouse gas) make tis a bad idea. Only by using "green hydrkgen," hydrogen fro electrolysis using solar, wind, ect. generated electricity to power cars would make sense -- but we have almost no such capacity at present and developing it would compete with our efforts to develop solar, etc to replace fosil fuel generated electricity for other uses.

Submitted by Michael Hayes (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 8:11PM


Hydrogen is the future in combustion engines. Plant’s built at filling station are the future and solve distribution problem

Submitted by Moe (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 8:48PM


Intriguing! If they can figure it out, I would be very interested. The gas vehicles are so dependable and represent freedom. EV's are problematic for the reasons you cite in this article, plus the short range of travel, the time it takes to charge, the environmental issues they create with the used battery disposal, and the cost of replacing the batteries. Then if/when your area goes thru a natural disaster and your power grid goes down, you are screwed! Plus in Florida after Hurricane Ian, they are having issues with EV's catching on fire from all the flooding of salt water on the batteries. And in extreme cold and hot climates, the battery's charge drains faster. If we move everything over to electric, as Gov. Newsom wants to do, and the electric goes out, you can't drive, you can't cook, you can't heat your home or your water, etc.

Just as many fuel stations have generators to allow distribution of fuel during power outages, a fuel cell or hydrogen combustion engine generator would allow distribution and likely local production of hydrogen for customers (and self-sufficiency).

Atleast when power is out you can still manually pump gas out with out power but you can not charge your environmently killing battery piece of sh!t can you with out power let's see how environmently safe is the EV 1 mining for your battery destorying the land and polluting the area 2 electric stations got to burn more coal to satisfy your battery 3 power bill goes up costing you more money every month so tell me how owning an EV is better for the planet look up how bad mining is more polluting then a diesel truck w/o converters let's see for 1 battery is equaled to 30 diesel trucks running w/o catalytic converters look it up EV mining is more polluting

Submitted by Dave A (not verified) on October 7, 2022 - 10:07PM


The truth is that gas powered cars are already using hydrogen as the fuel source, it's just mixed with carbon in the form of gasoline. Just using pure hydrogen, which is available from water, oils and many other sources, products a bit of carbon and mostly water vapor. It is a truly renewable fuel, is clean and the changes needed to an internal combustion gasoline engine to make it viable are comparatively small. GO TOYOTA!