I Don’t Know Why Women Keep Laughing at Me When I’m Out Driving my Tesla Cybertruck

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Tesla Cybertruck

A Tesla Cybertruck owner says there is a concerted effort to publicly shame people who drive the all-electric truck. He recounts several instances where people pointed and laughed at him while driving his Cybertruck.

Jesse is a Cybertruck owner who goes by the handle “Sturdybirdy” on the Cybertruck Owners Club forum. Although he spent more than $100,000 to purchase his Cybertruck, Jesse is unhappy with the reaction he’s getting when driving his truck.

The Cybertruck owner shared his negative experience on the forum under the title “The New Attack on the Cybertruck: Derision.” He went into detail about this “attack,” first, highlighting the negative reaction he has gotten from women.

Here is what he wrote…

“I was taking a right turn out of a convenience store driveway the other day, waiting for the traffic to go by, and noticed the driver, a female, was apparently laughing hysterically at my truck. She was alone, pointing at my truck and laughing hard.

I initially smiled because what else could I do, but after a second or two, I realized she was laughing derisively. She was like, “What kind of person would drive something like that?” Or, “That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Granted, she could have been having a weird reaction to a stroke or something, but I’m pretty sure I saw what I saw. Then today, I was at a four-way stop, and a guy in a Nissan Titan/Toyota Tundra or something smiled and then chuckled like: “What a tool.” Or, who would drive something like that?”

The multiple laughing fits are obviously not making Jesse happy; however, even worse, since no obvious negativity was directed toward him, Jesse is doubting whether people are indeed laughing at him.

Here is what he added…

“I could be a little paranoid, but I think I saw what I saw, more or less. The thing is, what is so wrong with our society that people can feel so smug about their judgments about something or someone that they can feel free to openly mock or jeer at others that they don’t even know? I could get way into this, but I won’t.”

Being the town's laughingstock after spending $100,000 on a truck is definitely not ideal. Jesse, on his part, suggests Elon Musk’s controversial nature is to blame for the people laughing at him.

Jesse continues his post…

“I understand that Musk is on the wrong side of the line for many people, including myself. But the desire to cancel is so hard for me to understand. I not only don’t like the Toyota Prius, I hate it. But I’m not going to pull up to a driver of a Prius and feign hysteria because they’re so ridiculous. To each their own. Whatever floats your boat.”

Finally, despite all the challenges, Jesse ends his post by reaffirming his love for his Cybertruck and offering some advice to the people pointing and laughing at him in the streets.

Jesse writes, I’ll keep driving my Cybertruck, regardless of the haters. But I sure hope people can have some grace in these divided times.”

Reading Jesse’s post, on the one hand, I do feel bad for his plight; as I have said multiple times already, it’s not fun to be constantly mocked.

Having said that, it also makes me wonder who is to blame for all the negative attention the Cybertruck attracts.

The vehicle's design is undoubtedly controversial. There is nothing like it on the road, and it sure turns heads.

The low polygonal design is definitely not for everyone. However, this still doesn't explain why the vehicle triggers people so much.

There are many things throughout the day that people encounter that they do not like, but they still do not point a finger and laugh at the person who made that decision.

Jesse seems to believe all the negativity is because of Elon Musk. However, please let me know what you think in the comments below. Share your ideas by clicking the red “Add new comment” button below. Also, visit our site, torquenews.com/Tesla, regularly for the latest updates.

Image: Screenshot from MKBHD’s YouTube channel

For more information, check out: Tesla Quadruples the Reservation Price for the $16,000 Cybertruck Range Extender Battery Pack Following the Collapse of the Cybertruck Reservation List

Tinsae Aregay has been following Tesla and the evolution of the EV space daily for several years. He covers everything about Tesla, from the cars to Elon Musk, the energy business, and autonomy. Follow Tinsae on Twitter at @TinsaeAregay for daily Tesla news.

Submitted by John Gravelis (not verified) on October 26, 2024 - 10:43AM


There just haters there mad cause they can't afford one them self's who would drive a prius any way

Bud, trying to sound superior when you use the wrong “they’re” first word out is exactly how we imagine Cybertruck owners.

We have the money, we’re not spending it on trash.

That has got to be the ugliest vehicle ever made. Looks like a guy in a metals shop welded plates together. Oversize version of Pontiac Aztec. Remember how ugly and unpopular that was? Yea don't thinks it jealousy cause they can't afford one. Keep driving them and we will keep laughing. The prius serves it purpose as a economy car.

People buying a prius aren't the type to be concerned what others think of their choice...
People buying these overstated piles of problems are only about what others think !

I assure you there is no amount of money I could have that would make me want to buy one. Sounds to me like the owner has a soft ego and doesn't like people laughing at his ride. Get used to it. That's called freedom of speech snowflake.

Not really. I can afford a Cybertruck, but I still think it looks terrible, it's not really a truck, and it has endless QA issues. Other than the fart button and some other gimmicky things, it doesn't do anything that other vehicles don't already do. And a lot of the stuff it does do, other vehicles do better. It doesn't really have anything to do with money. I wouldn't openly laugh at someone who is driving one, but in my head I definitely think "what a dumbass" when I see one, because you bought a subpar vehicle for twice the amount it should cost, just because the guy who sells them convinced you he was special, when you could have spent the same amount of money on a Denali Ultimate or a Ram Tungsten or something like that. It's no different than the iPhone back in the day, where Steve Jobs created a cult following despite the iPhone coming out with its "innovative", "new" features two years later than every other phone (face unlock, two apps on the screen at the same time, etc.), and then he charged you $1000 for it just because he could. It's kind of sad.

Say it again for all the people in the back! I mean, all the people deliberately refusing to acknowledge this utterly factual perspective! Especially them. This whole scene is like watching people edging from "willful ignorance" aggressively towards "malicious incompetence".

Personally I think it is ugly. But beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. While I think it's ugly, there's someone who thinks it's a masterpiece. Regardless of what we think of it personality, we should never make anyone feel bad for anything.. especially over a car. I think the jealous card comes into play here too. But I do think you can have anything in this world you want, you just need to work for it. How hard are you willing to work. I agree musk crosses lines. Family and friends deserve your time and presence. So working 100 hours a week is not sustainable. But we need musk. And people like him. Forward visionary thinkers. Who are usually a bit eccentric. Do anyway what I am saying is to be kind to people. Let them do then and you do you. If he wants to drive a cyber truck let him. And God for him. Living his best life. Let the haters hate, I need more coffee. Have s good day yall

You know someone is coping hard when you think people are laughing because they're jealous.

That's not a thing. People don't mock something because they're jealous.

The truck is a joke. It can't haul. It can't go off-road without getting stuck.

People who think they're laughing out of jealousy have their heads so far up their own ass they're looking out their mouth

They’re *x2 themselves*
No, it’s not about being stupid and rich enough to buy the cybertruck, the want to own a cybertruck itself is embarrassing. Its such a sad excuse of a vehicle that screams insecurity, compensation, and a love for a man child named musk

It’s them .They are somewhat judgemental haters. Since after Covid lots of people become sort of mean or inconsiderate on others. Being ignorant about others looks jealous or being sick that themselves don’t even realized just look yourself you got the freedom to do what you want the way you and stand up for what you think is you what you believe it’s all about faith stick to what you know.

Nobody but a fool wants one of these silly idiotic looking junk boxes. You look stupid driving one. Understand you ARE being laughed at. Nobody cares how much money you WASTED on this junk

*They're *they're *anyway

I can help with your spelling, but the grammar and punctuation will cost you extra. $150 an hour and you need to bring your own crayons and construction paper.

It is obviously, "they're " and not "there !" What is it about you Giga-Chads casting stones and cannot even master the language in which they are attempting to be surreptitiously insulting.It says more about you than than the person at whom you are directing your comment.

John Graveils, you know, there are a few quotes that come to mind here:
"A gentleman is a man who knows how to play the accordion, but doesn't" (Weird Al Yankovic)
"Money doesn't buy taste, personality, or common decency." (Jennifer L. Armentrout)

So, if you think about those, really hard in your case, you would come to the conclusion that women don't like your stupid toy and rather have a man who doesn't buy an overpriced fever dream from a mental 5 year old.