Don’t Buy a Tesla Cybertruck If You Have This Phobia

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Downside to Being a Tesla Owner in Public

What’s it like when a non-Tesla fanboy rents a Cybertruck? A well-known Tesla mechanic admits he is into ego-boost trucks and shares his Cybertruck findings shoppers need to know that includes this important phobia.

If you are on the fence on whether or not to buy a Tesla Cybertruck and are not a Tesla Fanboy or a Tesla Hater, then here is an interesting, informative, and yes...even entertaining, video you need to watch to help you decide whether you really want to be a Cybertruck owner.

Tesla Fanboy and Tesla Hater Bias

As the host of the Rich Rebuilds YouTube channel so accurately pointed out recently, the internet overflows with videos about Tesla’s Cybertruck. So why does he decide to contribute yet another Cybertruck YouTube video to this over-discussed vehicle phenomenon? What could he possibly say that has not been said before―good or bad―about the Tesla Cybertruck?

Perhaps not a lot; however, he does bring a fresh perspective that may help undecided shoppers define how they feel and will feel about the Cybertruck that is not so tainted with Tesla fan or hater bias.

The Rich Rebuilds Channel

The host of the Rich Rebuilds channel is a tell-it-like-he-sees-it mechanic who shares his experiences and views of exceptional makes and models of cars possessing riveting qualities that appeals to both automotive enthusiasts and car shoppers who want to learn a little something more about popular car models they own or are considering on whether to buy.

A non-Tesla employee, Rich is known for occasionally tackling a Tesla repair problem and showing some of the problems with owning one and why a repair should not cost a Tesla owner the price of a new vehicle. One example involved a Tesla battery-related problem that turned out to be fixable despite the Tesla Service Center wanting thousands of dollars for a repair that should cost much less.

One Important Reveal From the Video

If you are looking for a commonsense view of the Cybertruck, this video is perfect for car shoppers with more common sense than money by pointing out both the good and the bad about what the host observed while driving a new Cybertruck rental for 3 days.

For example, why one Tesla enthusiast is waiting for what he says is the right time to buy a Cybertruck.

However, if there is one surprising reveal worth alerting potential shoppers about (just in case you do not have the time or inclination to watch yet another Cybertruck YouTube video) it is this:


According to the Very Well Mind website, scopophobia is described as:

“…an extreme and excessive fear of being stared at or looked at. People may experience feelings of discomfort when others look at them to a certain degree, but this phobia is much more intense.

People often fear that others are scrutinizing them much more intensely than they actually are. Those who have scopophobia may have an extreme fear of being the center of attention where they are likely to be looked at by others.

In other words, if you do not have scopophobia before watching the video, you just might develop a case of it if you do become a Cybertruck owner because…yes, you actually are being scrutinized and judged when you ride in a Cybertruck.

That said, here is the most useful Cybertruck YouTube video I have ever watched:

Cybertruck: The Embarrassing Beginning of Tesla’s Demise


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Timothy Boyer is an automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites  and Facebook for daily news and topics related to new and used cars and trucks.

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