CCS Charging Is a No-Go With the Cybertruck: Why CCS Is a Dying Technology

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CCS Charging Is a No-Go With the Cybertruck: Why CCS Is a Dying Technology

A CCS charger was used to try and charge a Tesla Cybertruck, however, it wasn't able to work. This is further evidence of the dying technology of CCS.

CCS Charging Is a No-Go With the Cybertruck

The CCS (combined charging standard) charging technology is a "dead man walking" and is going to be obsolete technology. I could even argue that it is obsolete today, with so many automakers choosing to use the NACS (North American Charging Standard) over the next year.

Recently, Kyle Conner, from Out of Spec Reviews, tried to charge a Tesla Cybertruck at an EVO CCS fast charging station. He plugged in the charger and activated the session.

He says, as soon as we activated it, it just goes instantly un plug, not possible. It doesn't allow it to charge, unfortunately. We activate the session through payment, some communication happens, and then no more.

Kyle also wanted this to be clarified and said:

At first glance I didn’t notice anywhere that explains NACS is CCS - (just in a different form factor). The communications are identical. Can you make sure that’s in there?

In order to try and charge, Kyle said that the CCS adapter doesn't interface with the Cybertruck due to the plastic wheel arches. He ended up ripping those off in order to plug in the CCS adapter.

He wasn't able to charge at the high voltage (fast) charger, but it's possible a lower voltage one would work - but there doesn't seem to be a point to trying that.

Kyle also says there is still more testing to be done, and he has to try a few more units to see if this was a communications issue/oddity with the Delta high power.

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CCS Is Obsolete Technology

CCS is obsolete technology, and it shows in this video and post from Kyle. For those buying a Tesla Cybertruck, you will hopefully not be stuck in a situation where you have to charge at a CCS charger somewhere.

This is also good for me to know, since I use the CCS charger at the Harmon's near me where I live for free, in order to charge my Model 3 RWD.

This won't be an option for me for the Cybertruck, most likely, due to this issue and I would have to rip the plastic wheel arches off anyway just to plug in my CCS adapter.

If Kyle ends up testing at another location to see if it was just this location that was the problem for CCS charging, I'll be sure to update, but the reality is, CCS is a dying technology.

I would personally not buy any EV that uses CCS right now, and wait until the ones that have NACS are released.

And, a big special thanks to VoyageATXBen for allowing his Cybertruck to be used by Out of Spec Reviews!

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What do you think about this experiment where Kyle tried to charge the Cybertruck with CCS? Is it even worth trying to charge the Cybertruck with CCS, given the hassle of having to remove the plastic wheel arches?

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Hi! I'm Jeremy Noel Johnson, and I am a Tesla investor and supporter and own a 2022 Model 3 RWD EV and I don't have range anxiety :). I enjoy bringing you breaking Tesla news as well as anything about Tesla or other EV companies I can find, like Aptera. Other interests of mine are AI, Tesla Energy and the Tesla Bot! You can follow me on X.COM or LinkedIn to stay in touch and follow my Tesla and EV news coverage.

Image Credit & Article Reference: Kyle Conner, Out of Spec Reviews | Ben (VoyageATXBen) On X

Submitted by Jocedeg (not verified) on January 13, 2024 - 11:36PM


You're saying it's obsolete because the Cybertruck can't use it?

With millions of home chargers and cars using that standard, I hardly think it's "obsolete"...