Here’s Why a 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Might Not Be the Best Choice for You

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Here’s Why a 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Might Not Be the Best Choice for You

If you are a first-time hybrid prospect, is the hybrid life really for you?

As a hybrid driver myself, I see a lot of things that help me in the real world in terms of driving that a typical gas car does not. Things like gas mileage or reliability. So far, our 2012 Prius has been very reliable and with regular maintenance like oil and brakes, nothing bad has really happened other than a light bulb in the headlights went out which needed tending too.

Now while it is inevitable that the ICE vehicle will not remain the world’s best and most efficient mode of 4-wheel transportation, it is certain to say that we still have a way to go. If we immediately stop production and sales of all ICE vehicles, think of all the jobs that would be lost. Immediate change is never good for anyone.

Because of this, a prospective 2022 Toyota RAV4 buyer posted her skepticism on Facebook’s Toyota RAV4 club. In the post she said, “Hybrid or gas, and why? I live in a rural area in Canada about 600km from any larger cities.” Now we already know its going to take about 1-3 years for her to get a RAV4 Prime but the question here is should she get full gas or hybrid?

Here’s Why a 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid Might Not Be the Best Choice for You

Now rationally speaking, I would go with the hybrid because of gas prices, right? It’s only logical that you take the most efficient route. However, should she be worried about the intense Canadian winters? Afterall we already know that a cold climate is not a hybrid or an EV’s bet friend.

Faheem Bhanji said, “Wife has a limited hybrid, and we are in Calgary. No issues in -40 winters at all. Went Calgary to Edmonton (3-hour trip) on the weekend. Half a tank round trip.” Now given the weather and condition of the highway, with the use of a half of a tank of gas to drive 6 hours, that’s extremely efficient.

Now if you live in the city, it’s a no brainer that you should buy a hybrid as your choice of RAV4. The use of the battery to put your car in motion saves a lot on gas. In fact, the only time your car uses the most gas per time is when you move from a standstill or turn on your car.

So whether you live in the plains of Kansas, the dystopia of New York City, or the great Tundra of the Siberian Mountains, the 2022 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid is the perfect choice of RAV4 for you.

What do you think? What would stop you from getting a hybrid? Let us know in the comments below.

Harutiun Hareyan is reporting Toyota news at Torque News. His automotive interests and vast experience test-riding new cars give his stories a sense of authenticity and unique insights. Follow Harutiun on Twitter at @HareyanHarutiun for daily Toyota news.

Submitted by Ron R (not verified) on June 24, 2022 - 3:51PM


Winter weather is cold here and future is....? Hard to predict more than 3-4 years hence. I bought a hybrid in 2020 for several reasons: 1. Better car than the non-hybrid, marginally-quieter, handled better, acceleration better. Also, figured we were one geo political mess from expensive gas. (2 years later, 6-22) Happy. No problems with car, oil changes and now tires except. Corolla 2020. 60k 12mo average 54mpg.

Submitted by Paul (not verified) on June 28, 2022 - 3:56AM


If you do not have the money or earn that sort off money, you will never have one,or won't one.
I hear we have a stock pill of battery's etc that is piling up, that we can't recycle as the infrastructure is not there in this country.UK at this precise time so what's the point? Tax paid for cars/BIKES should go to paying for good roads, not pot holes & electric vehicles or in pocket of the the government.