The C-Max looks like a very
The C-Max looks like a very nice car.
For my 25.6 mile round trip to work, however, I would burn some gas daily in a C-Max.
In my Volt it's gas free. 70% of my driving is on battery power in the Volt and my impression is that it would be only 50-55% in the C-Max.
I have considered the C-Max for my retired wife who just drives around town.
In my year of Volt ownership:
95 % of my driving is alone to and from work.
4%-two people
1%-three people
I've had four people in my Volt once and have never needed to carry 5.
But, some people do need the fifth seat and some need a minivan.
One thing to keep in mind is that, while the C-Max carries more people, the Volt looks like it's better for cargo. If I understand correctly, the C-Max battery sticks up in the back and you can't make the floor flat. I can take my lawnmower in for service in the Volt, but am not sure I could in the C-Max.
The bottom line is that people need to carefully consider what kind of driving they do.