I find it amusing that in the
I find it amusing that in the thousands and thousands of people who have read this article in the last day, a handful are enraged by my comment about a diesel powered Mustang being un-American. At the same time, I would bet that the majority of the diesel lovers who are upset by that comment all drive slow, boring foreign vehicles - like the first commenter with his "I dont really need a truck so I bought a V6 Tacoma" pickup. Needless to say, Ford isnt all that worried about trying to convert a bunch of diesel VW station wagon owners into Mustang owners. Some drivers are born to drive in the right lane - which has been clearly displayed here.
But hey, some of you could probably ask your wives nicely and she might let you own something worth driving some day. In the meantime, enjoy your oil burners that struggle to top 100 miles per hour.
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