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J. Hamel (not verified)    January 1, 2014 - 10:13PM

In reply to by Molly Zahner (not verified)

I have had a number of VW's and I honestly wondered about how durable the Jetta's upholstery would prove to be over the long haul with a dog riding in the back seat most of the time. I am glad to hear it held up but first, what kind of dog do you have? A dog with short hair will leave a mess that is harder to clean and re-reading that portion of my comment, I should have said that it's easy to clean if you have a small steam hand vac like I do and a full fabric seat cover. has a great choice of seat covers and pick one designed for an SUV so it will take you only 45 seconds with practice to remove or re-install it. Also, for safety and to keep your pup from making a mess invest in a restraint harness. It may seem like a pain but I nearly drove into a piano that fell off a pickup truck with my earlier 90 pound boxer right behind me. I had to take LA Freeway evasive action and if she wasn't wearing that harness one or both of us would have died.

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