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Stephen Pace (not verified)    January 17, 2014 - 4:35PM

I don't think anyone disputes that communication here could have been better. However, almost by definition, the Electronaut community is filled with early adopter types. If you believe in BMW and the brand, you have to take the leap that they'll do the right thing. If this makes someone uncomfortable, they should make a lower risk selection and skip the Electronaut option and buy when everything is settled. In technology, if you buy V1, you have to expect there could be issues, and there will be some unknowns at the start. The only thing certain is that the V2 will almost always be better than V1, so if you are the type to sweat the small stuff, you really shouldn't be an early adopter.

I had a similar decision to make when I bought my Tesla Model S. I had to commit to purchase after only had a few minutes in the passenger seat for a car more than twice the amount of any previous car I had owned. I ultimately was able to test drive the car in another state (NJ) a few weeks after I signed on the dotted line, and I'm sure if really hated the car, I could have cancelled at that point (potentially losing my deposit, although given the circumstances, I'm guessing Tesla would have probably let it slide). Many were uncomfortable being in that situation, but fortunately we were rewarded with a car even better than we had hoped for.

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