Actually, the "first race"
Actually, the "first race" shown in the video was really the second race. If you look at the times on each slip, you will see that the Corvette won the first race at 1:40PM, and the Tesla won the second race at 4:14PM.
Also, there are many people saying that the Tesla left too soon, or "red-lighted" on the "first race". This is not true! I practically "grew up" at the dragstrips, and the Tesla actually cut an almost perfect light at 0.005 of a second after his light turned green. If the Tesla actually left too soon, the last yellow light and the red light on the bottom would be lit. Instead, both green lights are lit. The Corvette had a reaction time of 0.357 of a second. The Corvette's 1/4-mile time of 12.049 seconds, was calculated from the time when he was done "sleeping at the light", and unblocked the light beam that was being blocked by the backside of his front tires. If you take the Tesla's ET of 12.378 seconds and subtract the Corvette's 12.049 seconds, you get a difference of 0.329 seconds. The difference between reaction times is 0.352 seconds. Now subtract 0.329 from 0.352 and you get a difference of 0.023 seconds, which is exactly the margin of victory for the Tesla. The Tesla won this race at the starting line, plain and simple!