A drop in sales SHOULD happen
A drop in sales SHOULD happen, especially as word gets out about renowned computer expert Michael Barr finding bugs in Toyota's electronic throttle control software. So far, there's been a news blackout, but word is spreading thanks to bloggers, whistleblowers, and Mr. Barr's peer publishing his findings - along with their support - in trade journals. These findings led to the billion dollar economic loss settlement in Dec. 2012, the guilty verdict in the landmark sudden unintended acceleration case last October in Oklahoma (there was also that pesky evidence of 150 feet of skid marks from the plaintiff's tires), and are responsible for putting the Recall King in its current settlement mode regarding hundreds of remaining sudden unintended acceleration cases, and the federal criminal probe. Mr. Barr will be the featured guest at the EE Times conference March 31st - April 3rd. I've been blogging about Toyota for quite some time - search "Beware of Toyota. Their next victim may be YOU..."