Mom, is that you?( english
Mom, is that you?( english professor.) Thank you Proofread Much? I truly appreciate you reading the entire article. Setting the two automated mis-corrections aside, what is your opinion of the TLX?
F.Y.I.. Acura doesn't give a tinker's damn as to what I write about the TLX. This car will be a best seller based on msrp, performance and safety.(There I go again) This is an opinion generated automotive editorial based on my impressions of the engineering and driving experience. I like the car.( use the links for technical review.) Also, based on same day, hands on driving comparison of the competition, BMW, Infiniti and Lexus, I found the TLX to be a superior overall driving experience. Drop me an email and phone number. I'll give you a call the next time I require a second pair of eyes. Much appreciated.