Yes, in fact, AWD vs 2WD in
Yes, in fact, AWD vs 2WD in otherwise the same car, will change the geometry of the suspension over the same surface,(the difference in distribution of torque alone will do so) and is different in design. Also, seeing as how we are talking about AWD with 4 wheel steer, aka SH-AWD, even you must admit the geometry changes from that of the Models not equipped with such. Those 20 inchers didn't have you wondering, as an Engineer, certainly you realize what dynamic changes that brings to the loads and forces introduced to a suspension, or drivetrain that wasn't designed for such.
In reading your response, I see at least a couple of grammatical errors, E.G. It is grammatically incorrect to start a sentence with, "And". Does that reduce the credibility of your comment one way or another? Neither does a spelling err, or more than likely a typo. Seeing as how prolific these fellows are in cranking out one article after another, I think they can be forgiven an err, such as this, from time to time. The pot should not be so quick to call the kettle black.