I thoroughly enjoy Torque. I
I thoroughly enjoy Torque. I have been a subscriber to, "Motor Trend" since the 70's, and read other car Mags as well. Even though I imagine their budget dwarfs Torque and have huge staffs, let me say they make their fair share of misspells and mistakes. It happens. In this case it is so nitpicking. Never mind you fellows offer your expertise up to the public for free, providing the forum you do. It's one thing to point out an error in a, "Civil" manner, quite another to turn it into a personal affront. Aside from the fact, my guess is the readers of this article knew full well the point you were making. Let those who insist on being derogatory try to do what you fellows do without making an err once in a while, ain't gonna happen! So really the, "Thanks" goes to you and the other motorheads you work with, you fellows make up a one of a kind, "Torque News" and I, for one, (with countless others I'm sure), appreciate it.
A quick comment about the CR-Z, reminds me allot of the CRX SI I owned, one of the best, fun 2-seater hatches ever made, (if you squint your eyes, even looks like the CRX).Fun for the masses.
All Best 2 U and the entire Torque staff, really the Best at what you do, occasional, "oops" and all, "Thanks"!