"Good day" Parks, writers
"Good day" Parks, writers cramp yet? While admittedly not up to snuff on Kia's current Safety ratings, in the past have not been so good. Honda seems to shine in terms of safety, (less the airbag fiasco). To some that won't make a hill of beans of difference. The same can be said for past Kia build quality, questionable in some respects according to what I have read. I have owned several Hondas and found them to be bullet proof and screwed together extremely well.
I do like the look of the stock Rio over the stock Fit, (as you know, personally not a big fan). You have pointed out, in other articles you penned, the aftermarket seems to have embraced the Fit and there are several packages that turn, "Frumpy" into, "Wicked" and would resolve the, "looks" issue with me. I doubt if the same can be said for the Rio. If one plans to do some tuning, my guess again would be that the Fit has much more to choose from regarding aftermarket performance mods, designed for the Fit. The Koreans have come a long way in a relatively short amount of time, impressive. My view is that they still have a little way to go before catching up to the, "Leaders" of the industry, such as Honda.