I bought my first Jaguar, an
I bought my first Jaguar, an XK150, when I was 19 years old and fell in love with the car. During the days of British Leyland, JRT and finally Jaguar Cars in the US, I was an executive with the Company. Later I became the General Manager of two separate volume Jaguar stores. I have not been associated with the Company since the early 90's although I have continued to own Jag's through the early 2000's. The F Type is the first Jag that has peeked my interest in years. It appears to be a return to the roots of the marq. Yes I believe this is a vehicle that will capture the loyalty of enthusiast's once again. A giftedt automotive journalist once said to me that great automobiles like Jaguar, Porsche etc. are like the difference in diamonds and cubic zirconia. Diamonds may have flaws and zirconia may appear perfect, but one is real and the other is an imposter. It is my perception recent Jaguars have been an attempt to compete with the cubic zirconia, nice, reliable but not related to the vision of it's creator. The F type is finally a return to the diamond quality a Jaguar should be. The people I know who have traded their BMWs, Mercedes etc. are all very pleased. They also comment on how many people notice the car, even in common highline territory like South Florida and Southern California. If Jaguar begins producing the vehicles in the US as rumored it could be a real win-win for enthusiast's like the writer and the US dealer network.