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Jeff (not verified)    September 15, 2016 - 6:40AM

In reply to by Reed Wahlstrom (not verified)

Dude u got alot to learn the fasted car between dodge chevy and ford is the new mustang it can go 0 to 60 in 3,2 secs and reach over 200 mph and a corvette and hellcat can reach either a hellcat cant even brake 200 mph lol and the more muscle it has the manly it is and no matter what chevy and dodge comeout with ford will always make a faster car. So until u can beat a 3.2 sec car shut ur mouth bout mustangs,,,,obviously we can tell u dont like mustangs cuz u cant beat em...untill u beat the fastest mustang outthere go cry on some other site...sinse u know nuttin lol

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