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Mike h (not verified)    April 15, 2019 - 9:42PM

In reply to by Reed Wahlstrom (not verified)

Want to know what's funny cuz I used to work for the Fords marketing department when Fords were first produced they were marketed towards men directly and then through the ages up into the early 70s they continued marketing it as a street race car for men it wasn't until the early ninties when they started coming out with the four cylinders in the 6-cylinder models is when they started marketing it towards younger kids the younger generation the fuel-efficient families and then right up into the 2000-2010 2019 it is directly marketed for racing now I'm not saying women don't race because I know some badass female racers but even they will tell you a mustang is not a woman's car. the only thing I can think of that was directly marketed for women would maybe be the Volkswagen beetle or the Volkswagen scirocco or the new Volkswagen beetle which if you remember in the commercial was pretty pink and pretty yellow and I believe there was a baby blue one as well. for you to sit there and say mustangs are for women only no vehicle is directed at just one gender maybe except for those three I just mentioned because I guarantee I know a woman that could outdrive you in every way shape or form with that hellcat would your C5 or with a mustang you need to open your mind a little bit brother stop living in the 50s because I can tell you right now my mustang would not the f****** doors off of your hellcat. I have a 95 mustang Cobra pushing just shy of 1,200 horsepower without nitrous wet nitrous / 1400. It doesn't matter what you own or what you drive what matters is how you drive it and that is obviously something that you have failed to recognize.

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