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mike (not verified)    August 2, 2015 - 12:02PM

In reply to by Harry (not verified)

The forester we owned was a piece of junk. It burned more oil then it held in the oil pan. From day one it burned oil that the dealer said was "normal" and suby backed them up. It also had a horrific timing chain rattle thanks to a hydraulic tensioner that failed on day 3, was replaced and failed agian a week later never to be fixed again. Dealer said rattle when starting guessed it....normal.

We bought the forester with the LEMON money from our outback re-purchase thanks to the 70mph frame shake that affected 3-4 model years and maybe more. The car would shake itself to death when you hit 70 on the freeway. They tried and tried to fix bot just made it worse as the steering got stiffer and stiffer with each repair. It felt like I was driving a big rig.

No more subies for this guy........

Oh and suby supports LGBT but NOT NRA, screw that!!!!!!

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