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ohiodale (not verified)    April 6, 2015 - 2:06PM

In reply to by Keilum (not verified)

Ford has beat Camaro sales half a dozen times before the redesign. Ford has the top selling vehicle in the US so I think they are used to beating Chevy and yes it is big news. The Camaro has the same issue the Mustang had a few years ago. When the 5th generation Camaro was released, most people who wanted the Mustang already had one. The Camaro wasn't sold for 5 years so plenty of buyers. People keep their cars 10 years so over the last 4 or 5 years people who wanted a Mustang were already driving a 2005 or beyond Mustang. Now it is time to trade them in again. Why do you think Ford waited 10 years for the redesign, This was not by chance.

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