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Car Dog (not verified)    October 27, 2016 - 2:03PM

I owned a 2012 Civic SI and I enjoyed it and I thought the car was a smoother looking car but 1800 for the body kit was a bit pricy even though I paid it looked great .. But when I got my 2014 WOW what a difference and the body kit was 800 bucks ... I loved this car and miss it dearly ... From what I understand Honda is not releasing a 2016 SI because of the type R coming out... I just pray that they do a better job on it then they did on the 2016 civic HOLLY crap that is a awful design it looks like a mini cross tour which sold like crap and was discontinued due to horrible sales numbers... who ever designed the cross tour should have been run out of the car industry and not allow to be with in 100 miles of the design table when the civic was designed .... So I would think it was a great idea for them not to try and make a SI in that body style because they will grow old waiting for a blind monkey to buy one... Liked the 2012 and loved the 2014 but the 2016 fell out of a ugly tree and hit every branch on the way to the ground.....

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