I relate more than you know.
I relate more than you know. I have been saving for decades, (literally) so that in retirement I could afford a higher end sports car. I had my heart set on the NSX and when they were talking closer to 100,000.00-125,000.00 it was pretty much a done deal. They may have just put it out of reach, but I'm hopeful for a surprise. So, no disagreement with anything you have to say. Except one thing, these days ALLOT of people exceed their means when buying a car. I know of many that put a significant second mortgage on their house to get that Bimmer, Benz or Porshe. I wonder how many have put themselves in over their head purchasing a, Hellcat, Vette or alike. So, yes I agree, not many will be able to, "afford" it, that won't necessarily keep people from, "Buying" it. Be Well