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John VonBokel (not verified)    June 17, 2015 - 12:29PM

In reply to by bob (not verified)

Bob, I think of battery swap as a way to get people over that fence to the EV world by showing them what is possible. Once they're there, they'll quickly see that daily charging is easier than a gas car, but long distance travel does still require some waiting on occasion*. Battery swap is one potential way to eliminate that hurdle (the others are faster charging rates and larger capacity batteries).

*I have 62k+ miles on my Model S, and have driven it from my home in St Louis as far as upstate NY, Miami, and Denver (separate trips, of course). I generally appreciate the more relaxed traveling pace that the charging stops have forced me to take, but I didn't anticipate that I would, so even for me, the potential of battery swap was comforting before I made my purchase.

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