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Thomas (not verified)    December 12, 2015 - 10:32AM

MIT Grad. You are forgetting the fact that you are comparing 278hp to 181hp There is no advantage to low hp. Torque will not make you get up into the speed of traffic or allow you to accelerate like a gas motor will. If you want torque you can also turbo the gas motor. Fords 2.7 ECO BOOST makes more torque and way more hp at similar fuel mileages at low rpm in a heavier truck. Since diesel is turbocharged, lets talk turbo charged gas motors. If you want to talk Tacoma then realize there is 278hp available vs only 181hp. The only advantage to the diesel is that its slow acceleration wont be much slower under load. It will still be slow but under load it wont get much slower, but it is still slow, did I say slow, how about gutless, doesn't matter where the gas pedal is, just like stepping on paper, cant get any flatter

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