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TimH (not verified)    May 20, 2016 - 9:01PM

they would sell one to me. Most people who buy pickups never haul anything or at the very least once in a great while but want one just incase there is a need to do so. The same buyers want to get the best mileage they can. I think the new Dodge 1/2 ton with the Italian diesel that gets around 30 MPH will do very well as it fills the need of a light duty truck and gets the mileage of a small car. Not everyone needs a 1 ton dually diesel that costs $80K. Toyota at least needs to put a diesel in their Tundra line to compete with the other manufacturers. I for one will not buy anymore Government Motors (GM) vehicles so their lineup does nothing for me. I had a Tacoma in the past and it was a great truck but got horrible mileage.

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