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Dano (not verified)    October 30, 2017 - 5:29PM

In reply to by NIN8185 (not verified)

one quart x 360000 + and counting being pumped into the air. Did we NOT have a campaign in the past to erradicate the old in-efficient autos which they scrapped out so people would buy the new and improved autos?? Would differ with you on hurting your engine-how about all the yellowish baked-on oil if you pull your oxygen sensors and look into your CAT converter!! Why do they install EGR valves for? How much should be acceptable oil loss in a newer vehicle-as much as the car companies tell us? How much "Break-In" do you need-carry a 6 pack in the truck so you don't run out?? Read your owners manual and see what they tell you about ruining your cat converter!

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