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Scott Lepley (not verified)    January 29, 2017 - 9:16PM

Bought a RAV4 Hybrid SE a few weeks ago after having a non-hybrid Limited for a couple years. I drive about 10 miles each way to work through 15 traffic lights, plus about 1/4 of my use is highway. The first tank of gas returned 39 mpg, second shows 36 mpg so far. I've noticed that when I leave for work, I may show only 20 mpg after the first 2 miles, but it climbs steadily to easily record 36-42 mpg by the time I get to the office. I admit that I drive like a grandfather (I am one), but I drove my old RAV the same way. Definitely seeing at least 3 mpg better on the highway and 12 mpg better around town compared to the non-hybrid. You can buy the hybrid for $700 more than the non-hybrid and save at least $300 a year on gas. Try putting that same $700 in the bank and see what they give you each year, maybe 70 cents.

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