I own a 2013 Volt at it has
I own a 2013 Volt at it has been a fantastic car. I drive on electricity 75% of the time, but I can also use the car to go anywhere I want to on gas alone. Brilliant! No range anxiety, high reliability, high safety, low maintenance, and legions of satisfied owners are just some of the reasons to choose a Volt. The Tesla S is a rich man's dream for most drivers and the 3 is vaporware so far. I do hope Musk succeeds, but the company is on shaky financial grounds, even with the infusion of refundable deposits on the 3. Consider this: The reliability of the S is only "average," so how good will a decontented 3 be for 1/4 the price? And the upcoming Bolt might just have the right stuff to make you reconsider waiting for your 3 in 2020 and beyond. The Germans are also breathing down Musk's neck. How far away is a very good 200 mile VW EV? Panache only goes so far.