You are right (LOL). Frankly,
You are right (LOL). Frankly, with all respect it's not Scuderi that I like as much as the split cycle engine concept, regardless of who is developing it. I like the Cyclone Power external combustion steam engine, too. And I like nat-gas.
Yes, my articles are flavored with high tech, and if certain names stand out more than others, then so be it. I do have a responsibility to be sure as a reporter/writer to tell the truth at least as I perceive it. Hey, everyone has an opinion.
Point is, design types like Nesbitt and Welburn think they alone are responsible for all future GM success. Of course they take no responsibility for bankruptcy issues of the past. In the case of Ford, I believe its engine tech is outshining its styling, but that's not a horrible condition in my mind either.
Fact is, green powertrains are having as much if not more affect on consumer buying psyche as styling simply due to the cost of gasoline. The one thing required most is getting these green and more efficient powertrains affordable; and electrification is far from affordable to the massses without government (taxpayer) subsidizing it. That's a giant negative in my book.
I also fail to understand the lack of drive in getting engine tech to the next MPG level as well as greener level, like the Scuderi and the Cyclone. I agree with an industry leader saying "all things run on gasoline." That will surely diminish over time, in the short to medium term, they will still rule to a greater degree for many years. Tech like Scuderi and Cyclone running on nat-gas have the potential to save America's energy bill during those years until hydrogen comes on line or electrification sonehow gets cheap, plus make it cleaner so all can breath easier. In that respect, yes, I'm impatient for a some meaningful but affordable change.
And thanks for the heads-up email. Regardless, it is my personal policy not to remove comments even if they're negative against me or against my article positions, not that yours was at all.