I hate it. I had a '13 E350
I hate it. I had a '13 E350 with a console shifter and it was perfect, now I have a newer one with a column shift. Everything else about the car is exactly what I want except that. I was told by many people that it's just fine and "you'll get used to it", but I have not and I truly hate it. I've come to the conclusion that all these people are generic drivers and have no need to controlling gears. I am not one of these people and I shift manually quite often. It's somewhat bearable if I'm going straight, but if turning forget it. Plus it automatically shifts after a short time despite my manual selection, so if I want to stay in a gear I have to constantly put it back in that gear. Whoever needs two hands on the wheel to drive is, well, a granny... You cannot steer quickly with two hands, and certainly cannot shift while doing so with this bogus setup. My car is a sports car, even per the mfg, so to take the shifter out is just retarded. It would be different if they offered it as an option, but no. What's next, bench seats? Maybe get rid of that bothersome AC and heater. Why not discontinue of any engine or motor over 100hp?