if battery powered cars
if battery powered cars behave like all cellphones, in terms of "range" and charging times, people will buy gasolline powered cars until hydrogen fuel cell car refuelling stations become more common.
batteries are a stupid option for family cars, not reliable enough to be able to get you from A to B.
people use battery phones because there no alternative. would you not prefer a phone that lasts without worry for a fullday at full blast and that you could "fuel up" in one or two minutes. instead of waiting 30 or more for a full charge, or 10-50 for a mediocre charge. not to mention the times during the day you have to plug the phone in to keep using it, something obviously impossible with a car.
to use electric cars you have to plan ahead charging, time of charging, etc.
battery cars will have niche success, that is all.
the Tesla guy is a technology preacher, not manufacturer. Tesla will fail.