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Charles (not verified)    April 10, 2017 - 5:44PM

When someone taller than Tom Cruise, which includes over 98% of the male and female population of the US old enough for a learner's permit, can sit in the driver's seat in straight posture without hitting his or her head on the roof or windshield frame, I will be interested. You don't tell me anything about these cars I need to know. Don't care about 0-60. Want to know about 60-0. Don't care about "sleek" - which is where all the problems start. Don't care if it will drive up the face of Mount McKinley. I just need to be able to drive on an ordinary city street and be able to see out the windshield. With 99.9% of automobiles today, all I see when I look forward is the top of the windshield frame. I'm only 6'1" - pretty ordinary today.

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