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Busguy (not verified)    October 17, 2017 - 9:25AM

In reply to by SamSays (not verified)

I have a 2015 Ram 1500 and just started experiencing my tailgate drop about 1 month ago. It happened twice in a 3 week period. Now it happens several times a day depending on how many times the power locks are activated. I can actually get it to unlock as well by cycling the power lock mechanism. Only happens in the "lock" mode. I contacted my dealership and made a appointment. The service tech told me it's happening more frequently and they have a kit to fix it. My problem is I have 44,000 miles in my truck. 8,000 miles over warranty. So I was told it's going to cost me $267.00 out the door. When's the problem big enough for Chrysler to generate a recall?

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