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kent beuchert (not verified)    October 4, 2017 - 3:03PM

Obviously a fair amount of ignorance hereabouts with respect to electric cars and chargers and lithium.
The price of Lithium can triple and it would hardly affect the price of lithium batteries, which use a tiny amount of the stuff. Tesla has no advanced battery technology per se. Porsche already has an EV capable of using a 350KW charger, versus Tesal's 120 KW. And Tesla is all by itself in going away from all of the other automakers, who will use CCS protocols. recently upgraded to 350KW max chargers. Guess which chargers the independents are going to be installing? They WON'T be Tesla superchargers, that's for certain. Tesla superchargers will never come close to having the coverage that CCS charging stations will have. And Tesla has NO patents on anything which any other automaker would want. And Mercedes is building their own giga battery factory in Alabama. Regardless Tesla's gigafcatory cannot produce batteries any cheaper than the Japanese or Koreans can,. GM will now upgrade the
battery pack in their Bolt and upcoming variants (Buick, etc) to allow for faster DCFC charging. At home, any Chevy Bolt can recharge as fast as any Tesla at Level 2 charging.
Tesla's nightmare is about to come true - not only are there over 120 announced EVs from the automakers coming in the next 3 years, but most here in the U.S. will have a $7500 price advantage over any car Tesla sells because Tesla's tax credits are almost depleted now. The notion that one has to build an EV from the ground up is totally absurd. Except for the drivetrain, an EV is virtually identical to a gas powered auto, which is actually mostly electric
already. BMW, for example, will build all three variants of their models - hybrid, EV and gas powered on the same assembly line at the same time.

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