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J. Ortiz (not verified)    March 14, 2018 - 10:06AM

As a owner of both a BMW X3 and a japanese SUV I can sympathize with the author’s point of view regarding better reliability of Japanese cars however the lack of premium options on the X3 should’ve not been a surprise, any well informed shopper could notice that by doing some online research in advance.
Being a DIY mechanic with extensive experience I can share with you that I have a preference for the X3 because there is plenty of information available online for the repairs and the breakdowns seem to be very consistent on when they occur so I honestly look forward to the next repair. On the Japanese SUV I never know when to expect a problem so predictability is non-existing and I have barely repaired anything on this car after 100K miles.
For me the biggest reason to keep the X3 is the smooth I6 engine and the solid feeling at the steering wheel. I would avoind the I4’s. FinallyI also believe the X3 has high safety ratings.
For a reference, my japanese suv is a full body on frame Nissan.

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