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Billy S. (not verified)    November 14, 2018 - 12:12PM

In reply to by David Bernstein (not verified)

All vehicles break at some point. They are made of thousands of different parts which may go wrong at any given point whether your vehicle is new or old. The best way to buy a car is look for what you value most, analyze your options, then make a decision from there.
Working as a tech for both German and Japanese brands I can vouch that lower tech vehicles are much more reliable and cheaper to maintain than higher tech. A BMW much like a hybrid Lexus has far more new and unsubstantiated technology pieces that not only have a tendency to fail, but areuchore complicated to fix. Although a Mazda, Honda, Toyota, Ford all have the ability to fail at the same rates, they are generally much easier, cheaper to maintain.
Working for BMW for more than 6 years, I have found them to be extremely rewarding to drive. When your $50k BMW goes down, especially for non-drivetrain related issues, it can be a nightmare to 1) get it to a dealer or to someone qualified to repair 2) diagnose said failure as they are electrical nightmares 3) wait sometimes months for CORRECT parts from Germany.
I started working with Mazda as a tech in 2006, left for BMW in 2012 and although it had been extremely financially rewarding, taking money from people is not my goal in life. I live driving my BMW, but I am fully aware of the upkeep this vehicle must have in order to make it reliable and I fully understand that preventive maintenance does not keep my electrical system from failing, as it has on 4 separate occasions. My car is just 1 year old.
The moral of the story? Educate yourself. Buy what you love to drive. When you stop loving it, sell it and buy something else before you give up maintaining it, letting fall into disrepair.

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