The cars of today make older
The cars of today make older cars more desirable for some people. Take the Volvo 745 in this article or Mercedes of the same decade. The cars have a more squared appearance compared to today's cars, and this is a plus. Room inside for people and stuff. The cars of today are cramped inside and hard to see out of. My '09 Corolla is difficult to see out of. You can't see any of the hood past the wiper blades. You can't see any of the trunk lid out of the rear window. One has to be a contortionist to get into the car because of a low roof line. Ditto when getting out. And each new generation of a car seems to have a lower roofline than the previous generation. And the seats have to be lowered to keep a modicum of head room. The center console intrudes on driver and passenger area. I bought a 2017 Chevrolet Silverado last year. It's a 4-door. It drives great and is easy to enter/exit. On interstate driving I get 23 mpg, which for a truck of this size is a plus. Great stretch out room inside. Of the many vehicles I have bought in my lifetime, the Chevrolet Citation was the only car that had truly remarkable room inside for its size.