Actually, your reply is lame
Actually, your reply is lame as the original message is dead on. We pay a premium price for features which enable us to comply with the laws only to have them removed by Toyota and now we're forced to use our phones. Seriously, your judgement of the issue is really warped. Toyota marketed their system as something special so we bought in and now it's just devolving into a techno pile of trash. Toyota have the ability to move forward but now realize that their OS isn't up to par and that they really don't wish to put the money into supporting and evolving it. What's more, they've now jumped ship to CarPlay leaving 2018 users with virtually identical hardware behind. Was this done because the hardware cannot support CarPlay or merely as a means as differentiating the new 2019 model from the 2018? My hypothesis is that it was simply for marketing purposes. They even added an App for Alexa but didn't provide it to 2018 users. It appears that Toyota is now marketing software (not hardware) as being the differentiating feature between yearly models. I've purchased three Toyota vehicles in the past 9 years but I can say that this will be my last Toyota unless Toyota changes this marketing ploy where software technology is concerned.