I'm not sure what the point
I'm not sure what the point is here. As noted by Pssst3, we're talking two different vehicles and classes - why compare apples and oranges? I've always been an advocate for power and my dissappointment for the one size fits all engine approach on the 2019 Forester is well known on this site. It's hard to believe that some engineer at Subaru didn't note that adding weight and dimension would impact towing capacity and make for a slower vehicle, even with the a slight bump in torque. We can only hope Subaru doesn't take the one size fits all engine approach to the 2020 Outback. Surely, more than 5% of their sales can be attributed to the H6 engine. If you want one engine, simply put the new 260HP (Ascent engine) in the new Outback. A cut in power will probably put a dent in Outback sales.