Car manufacturers these days
Car manufacturers these days do anything they can to deny known defects in their product. Usually unless it becomes a known safety hazzard they just deny, deny, deny.
I had a 2095 Jeep Wrangler with what used to be the bulletproof 4.0 straight 6. At 35k miles it started making horrible squealing noises at cold starts. Chrysler had already admitted there was a camshaft gear problem(drives oil pump on this engine) on 03 models, but said it was limited to a select VIN range.
Online research told otherwise, still had issues on 2004 and 2005, obviously out if the 03 vin range they admitted to.
Took it to another dealer and traded it, I am sure that motor was gonna blow sooner than later. But Chrysler did not want to fix three years wirth if defective product, so they denied anything was wrong.