The brand new 2020 Forester
The brand new 2020 Forester Sport lasted exactly 2 weeks. Driving to work, (the same route I take every day for 3 years), I heard beeping. Thinking it was the lane departure, I continued to drive, but the beeping did not stop. i could not look at the dashboard as I was driving onto an entrance ramp to highway, when, suddenly, the steering wheel turned left sharply and locked. i could not turn the wheel, nor could brake. Both locked. The car veered off the road to the left, onto an embankment and flipped over. I,m lucky to be alive. Although Subaru dealer and Subaru of North America claim there have never been any problems with Subaru Forester. They have no knowledge of steering probs (really?). But are they really fixed? My worry is that Subaru is dragging its tail investigating whether this problem continues with the 2020 Forester. Someone could seriously get killed.